Visitor Insights Programme (VIP)

The Visitor Insights Programme (VIP) is Angus & Associates’ award-winning programme revealing how visitors think, feel and act – meeting the needs of organisations across the tourism industry, including regional tourism and economic development agencies (RTOs/EDAs) and operators.
Insights are gathered using two separate methodologies:
1. A syndicated online survey with a representative sample of domestic and Australian travellers to understand market perceptions, and
2. In-region intercept surveys with domestic and international visitors to understand their visitor experience (with bespoke solutions designed for each destination).
Market Perceptions
The Market Perceptions module of the VIP is designed to monitor perceptions of regional destinations – meeting the needs of organisations across the tourism industry, including regional tourism and development agencies (RTOs/EDAs) and operators.
”The VIP is a valuable resource for Rotorua to track the conversion of travellers through the marketing funnel and for measuring our marketing position relative to competitors. The infographic-style reporting allows for rich content to be simply conveyed to readers and the online database allows us to run our own queries on items we want to further investigate. There is always a two-way dialogue with Angus & Associates staff who are proactive in bringing our attention to points of interest and to promptly responding to our enquiries for further information.
Gina GeorgeTourism Insights Analyst at Destination Rotorua